25 January, 2009

Improve Your Psychological Health Using Subliminal Techniques

By Evgheny Stivenson

Subliminal messages were prohibited on radio and TV as early as 1974 by the Government of the USA. These were previously used to increase the sales of popcorn by almost 62 percent. This is a topic in a number of Derren Brown "mind" shows that are broadcast around the world.
But in spite of all these media build-up, subliminal messages continue to be widely used by advertisers, not merely to entice us with the purchase of yet another can of coke, but to actually change the way we live.
First of all, you can use subliminals for self-help: you can improve your self-confidence, treat acne, improve your relationships with the opposite sex and much more with the help of special subliminal messaging computer programs. One of such programs is Subliminal Flash (by Ded Pyhto, Inc); you can search it on Google and download for free.

In fact I intend to show you that you can use subliminal message to work for you right from tonight! This technique doesn't require using of subliminal messaging software. It is not as effective as using, saying , Subliminal Flash software mentioned above, but it can demonstrate you the power of subliminals.

But then what exactly are subliminal messages?

Subliminal means below the threshold of consciousness. Subliminal messaging is an act of conveying messages straight to the potent subconscious mind. This section of your brain is in charge of the whole lot from memory to giving your conscious mind its basic traits to that of body temperature.

Dr James Vicary conducted the most significant subliminal messaging in history when he flashed "I want popcorn" and "Drink more coke" for 100-milliseconds to a movie audience. Being below the threshold of consciousness, no one 'saw' these messages; but then sales of popcorn and coke shot up 58.4 % and 19.2% respectively.

But this form of potent suggestive advertisement was banned by The Government of the USA. However on the other hand, the potent nature of this tool was also recognized. This can be a powerful tool to send messages of self-improvement directly to the subconscious minds of the masses.

How are these to be done? There are two ways to send the subliminal messages. The first is visual with the use, for instance, of the Subliminal Flash software tool. The second is audio with the use of subliminal CDs that can be bought off from nearly all bookstores.
There is also this low cost way for you to put to use subliminal messaging.

Identify a pair of important goals that you will like to imbibe in your life. Perhaps you may want to stop smoking or may be learn faster. Put these core goals into very short and simple positive messages like "I am ready to quit smoking" or "I am a quick learner".

Write these messages on to a white cardboard sheet using thick black marker pen. Craft about three such cards with such affirmative messages on the themes. Keep these next to your bed along with a flashlight.

Then comes the unfriendly part. You will be woken up at mid-night when your subconscious is vulnerable.

You set your alarm clock for 4 a.m. before going to sleep. When you hear the alarm clock ring, turn it off. Pick up the affirmation cards and the flashlight. Flash the flashlight in the pitch dark for a dozen times quickly over each of the affirmation card. Simply stare at the cards without any efforts at reading them. These messages are for the subconscious.

Once you have completed this, you may off the light, put off the cards and get back to sleep. All these should not take you more than two minutes. You will surely get back to a deep and restful sleep.

What you have just accomplished is to send a set of subliminal messages to your subconscious. What you are about to experience is something very exciting!

Problem-solving dreams are reported invariably by most when the techniques are used for a few nights. Their decisions are found to be influenced from within. After a week or so, they recognize that their smoking has reduced to half and their speed of learning has had noticeable improvement. You have moved ahead in achieving your core goals.

Subliminal messaging is quite simple to use but have not yet been widely put to use.

Though simple and straightforward, most people do not believe it. You may not think it actually works. Even you may not try this out.

But the fact is that the powerful potent use that this can be put to use is recognized by the Government of the USA.

So may be you will try this out now.

Evgheny Stivenson, author of articles related to subliminal messages: http://www.wordofmouthexperiment.com/dedpyhto/

Article Source: Improve Your Psychological Health Using Subliminal Techniques


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