Mission Statement
A personal mission statement based on your vision and values becomes a personal constitution, the basis for making both major, life-directing decisions and those daily decisions that need to be made amid the circumstances and emotions that affect our lives.
With a sense of your own mission, you have the essence of your own pro-activity. You have the vision and values to direct your life. You have the power of a written constitution based on correct principles, against which every decision concerning the most effective use of your time, your talents, and your energies can be effectively measured.
The Mission of Mission Statements
Now that you're thinking about what's important to you in your life, it's time to begin writing your mission statement.
A personal mission statement addresses three questions:
1. What is my life about?
2. What do I stand for?
3. What action am I taking to live the life I truly deserve?
A useful mission statement should explain what you wish to accomplish and contribute, and who you want to be - the character strengths and qualities you wish to develop.
Your mission statement should be:
- Clear, concise and easy to remember
- Broad enough to allow flexibility but not so broad as to permit a lack of focus Consistent with your values, beliefs, and philosophy
- Reflective of attainable goals
- and Inspiring, uplifting and motivating
Some people find capturing their mission on paper a challenge. For a personal statement, you can start by examining the key words you wrote down during the funeral exercise. This is essentially the way you would like to be - your highest values and the things you treasure most as a human being. These qualities and attributes will form the basis of your mission statement.
If your first attempt at your mission statement isn't perfect, be patient with yourself. The process is as important as the outcome. Put it to one side and after a few weeks, write another draft. Ask yourself if your statement was based on proven principles that you believe in, if you feel direction, motivation and inspiration when you read it.
Over time, reviewing and evaluating will keep you abreast of your own development. Sample Statements The following mission statements have been borrowed from a number of companies and individuals.
Your mission statement may be similar to one of these, or it may be completely different. The most important thing is that it means something to YOU, and is able to be remembered with ease.
I will live each day as though I had all the power and influence necessary to make it a perfect world. Our mission is to achieve superior performance, by being the highest quality, lowest cost competitor in our field.
I will live each day with courage and a belief in myself and others.
We are committed to improving our clients' results through the provision of consulting services.
We achieve this through working together in mutually beneficial partnerships.
To live and let live, to learn and teach, to give and receive, to love and be loved, to understand and be understood.
I will embrace and see each day as not just another day, but one filled with opportunity and excitement.
I alone will choose for myself those endeavours I wish to pursue.
My mission is to be a force for positive change and to inspire others to greatness, through being a catalyst for action and through developing a vision of that which is possible.
To live the days given to me, gratefully, with discipline, purpose and as an adventure.
To discover and accept what is really me, by using and stretching my strengths with confidence and joy.
Our mission is to create a city of international significance which symbolises Australia's heritage, values and aspirations and of which Australians are proud.
My mission is to act in a manner that brings out the best in those important to me - especially when it might be most justifiable to act otherwise.
I will strive to gain mastery over life's challenges, through increasing my circle of influence and de-emphasising those areas of concern over which I have no control.
Our mission is to enrich the lives of all Australians through sport.
To live true to the principles I hold dear: those of charity, fidelity, self-sufficiency, honesty, integrity, pro-activity, giving and trust.
A Strong Source of Guidance - Your mission statement is not a job description. Instead, as Stephen Covey suggests, it's a compass, a strong source of guidance amid the stormy seas and pressing, pulling currents of your life.
Carry your mission statement with you, post copies in visible places at home and work and regularly revise and re-evaluate. Creating, defining and refining your mission statement should be an ongoing process - because life is an ongoing process.
Finding the You that You Always Wanted to Be (part one of two)
Would you like to receive a complete unit, and more? Would you like to discover the full potential in you & get true and lasting Momentum? Empower You To Live The Life You Desire. Take action and access immediately these free illumination secrets at http://www.success-coaching.org/ (value over $75)
Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com
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nice blog,like the articles, have to read 2nd part also
see you later
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