25 February, 2009

Improve Your Productivity With Speed Reading

By Kim Allarie

If you find yourself never having time to do anything, then an Evelyn Wood speed reading course could be just the thing for you. With this course you can be guaranteed of doing at least one thing in your life more quickly. If you love reading but never seem to finish a book, have no time to even look at the newspaper, then this is the answer.

By the time you have completed a speed reading course, you will have dramatically improved your reading speed and comprehension levels. You will finally be able to finish those books you haven't been able to get around to reading for lack of time.

While a speed reading course is effectively utilized to assist people in rapidly gathering data from academic reference materials, it's just as applicable to any type of reading material. Even an occasional reader can profit from the techniques lea rned in this program.

When you take a speed reading course you are introduced to the different ways to approach a variety of reading material. Reading an academic paper, reading a magazine, and reading literary books require different approaches.

While you study an academic report, you're mostly scanning for selective information. You might look for particular kinds of information by running through titles and subheads and skimming for pertinent data. Magazine and news articles are by and large simple to glance over, but you will want to savor each page of a fine novel.

A speed reading course can teach you the skills to navigate these different reading materials. You will not only be able to read academic texts quickly with good comprehension, you will also be able to read fiction far more quickly while still enjoying the meaning and atmosphere created by the author.

Speed reading doesn't lessen the impa ct of books you read. On the contrary, it can deepen the impact of the experience. You may be reading quickly, but you are also reading deeply, following the characters as they move through the story. Not only will you move into another world, your own world will 'move.'

On a purely practical level, this skill is a wonderful research tool. A speed reading course will help you cut to the chase and find important information quickly. You will also learn how to take effective notes which is important for exam preparation and writing quality essays.

Combine your reading skills and you will soon be able to get through that stack of books that has been waiting for you.

About the Author:
Regardless of a person's ability to read and comprehend, there is a speed reading program that can help them improve their reading speed while either maintaining or improving their comprehension skills. Find out more at Online Speed Reading .

19 February, 2009

A Beginner's Guide to Yoga Postures

By Kim Archer

The first yoga class for a beginner can be overwhelming in terms of the large number of poses that can be performed. However, the poses are learned progressively, with the instructor starting off by naming and explaining each yoga pose one by one while also giving a demonstration.

The benefits that come with the practice of these poses are many, from improved mobility and better health to stress management and an increased awareness of your inner being. Yoga gives great results when practiced on a constant basis, particularly if it brings about body and mind harmony.

Another name for the yoga poses is asanas, and each of them includes both a mental and physical component. Asanas address almost all the body parts, and usually the trainer will indicate where the physical stress lies. For further clarification consider the fact that, depending on the yoga variant practiced, the performance of the asanas varies, particularly since some postures are specific to one school or another.

Besides the physical capacity to perform yoga poses, one also needs to develop balance and an ability to concentrate, since physicality is just one side of the practice, and is completed by the spiritual dimension. Through learning breathing and relaxation techniques you'll come to ignore the difficulty of a posture as well as any distractions in the background. Once you have mastered a yoga pose, it is important to learn to maintain it for a specific period of time.

Instructions for the execution of various yoga poses are available in books, e-guides, on internet sites and magazines. However, the practice of yoga poses without professional guidance and help could turn into a threat to one's physical and spiritual health and could result in injuries. Therefore, do not start yoga practice by word of mo uth, or following directions in books, on the internet or through videos.

Beginners have to be under the direct guidance of a trainer, with the understanding that the beginner stage can often extend way beyond a year of practice. The complexity of the yoga poses will increase with every advance you make on the way, but progress is usually slow as one learns to push the limits of body and mind.

About the Author:
Learn more about the practice of yoga at Simple Yoga Essentials , a guide to simple yoga exercises that will improve your body, mind and spirit.

18 February, 2009

Brain Fitness- Improve Your IQ

By Vlad Stivenson

The brain is one of the most important organs in the body that you should be able to maintain and work out. Since it is as well part of the body which you usually are concerned with when performing certain exercises, it is important that you should perform the same maintenance to your intellectual ability to enhance your mental capacity.

Well, you should definitely make sure that your brain is still capable of responding into any activity that concerns utilizing it. There are various ways where you can workout your brain so it can be able to adjust readily to different conditions in the environment. You'll actually find games or exercises that can contribute to this intellectual workout either if you would like to be comfortably sitting on a chair or working or you might as well go in front of your PC.

If you would like to know how would you be able to keep your brain in good condition, then you should be aware on how your brain memor izes and keeps everything it absorbs through your memory bank. The mind can be easily influenced and that is why it thinks. When it thinks it tries to gather up information from the memory bank which definitely are relevant to the situation that the brain in trying to decide on. What if let's say you forget? What makes the brain experience this then?

Usually you hear people blanks out because they are unable to remember. They'd say that probably their age has to do with forgetting to do something or why they could not easily remember. Actually one can win a victory over this issue and that is through "Brain Fitness".

Have you ever heard of Alzheimer's disease? This disease actually has a lot of medical definitions but basically the disease is associated with the continuously loss of memory which leads to not being able to get access to those memories anymore. And isn't it a very sad thing not for you to remember those happy memories that you once had in your life? Like it just get's wiped away because of a certain disease that acts like a virus that have deleted and corrupted important files in your computer. Well you certainly don't want to be in this situation right? So, try to make your brain more functional as it should be to be able to obtain its maximum production possible.

Your brain actually serves as the main network of the whole body. It receives the signals, decides what to do with it, and have other parts of your body execute what is being asked. So if your brain malfunctions, definitely other parts of your body would as well be affected. Now. in string details into your memory bank, the brain doesn't simply stores what you did or a certain memory by keeping it a single entity. Memories are stored like packets of data being sent into a central unit which distributes them to the different channels of the brain.

Achieving Good Memory Skills

In a n ordinary conversation you have with your fellow colleague or with somehow someone you has just got an acquaintance with let's say for about a day that passed, can you recollect the details that you have been able to discuss which pertains to that particular situation accordingly? If not, then try to reconstructing certain activities that may be related to it and see if it would bring up a clear recognition of that particular conversation that you have had earlier.

Of course to achieve the best results in enhancing the capacity of your brain to think and recall, you'd definitely need to practice to recall what things may have happened to you recently or even the not so distinct details in a situation or a conversation. This would exercise your brains capability of storing information to its memory bank and keep it going for a longer period of time.

Including different Activities To Everyday Living

The different activitie s that you add to your life would be part of your brain's memory enhancement program. You can start by actually by choosing your chores dynamically and changing routines. try getting involved with new topics and new conversations with new people, this would help your brain absorb other things and gather certain information accordingly.

Being able to bring something new to the brain give it the capacity to produce more space for it to store more memory instead of overwriting the old ones so the more you add new experiences, the more you obtain sharper memory.

Even your brain get's bored with the same old thing that happens everyday, so try something new to make your life more exciting as possible.

Gain New Knowledge About Almost Everything

Do you know that physical activities can contribute as an exercise for your brain as well? That definitely is true, so don't hesitate to keep a healthy lifestyle by not only getting new food for the brain but as well as keeping a healthy lifestyle by enjoying new physical activities such as sailing, skiing or maybe even those silent activities that involves physical and mental stress relief like for instance yoga. Another thing is that, you should always enhance what knowledge you have in store for your brain. How will you be able to interact with intellectual conversations if you are not prepared to what you are going to say? It is necessary that you try reading books of your interest but should as well be challenging on your end where you wouldn't feel that what you are reading is something that you already know about. In short, try reading something that you have never read before and absorb what's in it for a change! What is more important in adding that excitement to your life is having the ability to practice what not only is healthy but is challenging to it as well. This is the same as maintaining your brain's intellectual state and its capacity to fill up all those spaces with memories that you will be able to recall in the future. You may as well add up a manifestation of joy to your life as well as putting yourself into a good mood, because this would definitely help you gain mental stability as well as a definite stress reliever for your mind and your body.

About the Author:
Vlad Stivenson, developer of difficult intelligence quotient test

10 February, 2009

How To Search For The Right Home Based Business


I was browsing the Internet and suddenly visited a site that attracted my attention. It was something that related to the home business opportunities that started me searching on different types of internet businesses. This is what gave me the idea, the motivation before pursuing my own home based business.

After searching and coming up with the best website for me, I decided to start my own home business marketing adventure by doing article marketing. It seem to me that this is the greatest niche for me and the easiest way to pursue money online in the long run. As the internet provides us a marvelous opportunity to make money, I took all the benefits the internet has to offer. Here are some ideals to help you search for a home business:

Find a particular niche that suits your interest. This is very important because it has to be something you will have a passion to do for a long time. You dont want to be hopping from niche to niche and getting confuse and not getting anywhere. Preferrably you can find something that has the lesser competition. Whatever you decide you must acquire some knowledge of that niche market and it is desirable that you must be updated on all the trends of the market. Having this type of interest to pursue your home business will make your job enjoyable.

Keywords are the key to success in the internet business. Search for the keywords relevant to your niche. You can use different keyword tools like overture, google ad words, keyword discovery or any other keyword tools in order to start your business. After searching, line up all the keywords having some search volume in alphabetical order. Then start doing research on these keywords.

Make an excel sheet which will help you in deleting duplicate entries. See if the availability of these keywords are in any hosting site. The most importing thing you need to consider is to see the number of visitors of that keyword. Go for it as a domain if it is also available at the hosting site.

Decide on a very special Domain Name. Your next step is to register your website with your new domain name. To find all sort of domain name companies you can go to a search engine and type in domain name companies or domain name and come up with different organizations to register your website.

When your website is ready to hit the internet, then market your website as much as you can. There are number of ways to market your website. Some are article submission, social book marking, link exchange, blogs, join forums etc. after 3-4 months you will see that you have started earning some dollars daily as a result of your hard work.

Then when you're gaining more confidence push to acquire more profit. Repeat the whole process and welcome the profit. Build more websites gradually and give full attention to them as well . After some time you will realize that your are in green due to your hard earn efforts.

About the Author:
Colon Bolden devotes his time into making sure his team of internet marketers experience the online success that they truly deserves. He has the passion of guiding his team to remarkable results. Check out his work from home opportunity that's making him proud each day. You never know, it just might be the right opportunity to work with for a very long time. Click on this link now!

07 February, 2009

Finding the YES in NO


By Drs Bil and Cher Holton

No is one of the toughest words to deal with, especially when we desperately desire something, or feel it is critical for our success and happiness. Research tells us that in sales, NO is the number one cause of 'fear of rejection' complex that causes so many people to get out of business!

In thinking back on our years as consultants, we remember that NO was a difficult word for us to hear when we generated amazing proposals, only to find another vendor was selected to do the job. But here's how we began to hear the YES in NO.

We started saying "Thanks for saying no!" The moment we heard that we weren't selected to give the opening keynote, for example, we would immediately follow up with a little note, thanking the potential client for giving us the opportunity to be considered ~ and our wishes that their conference would be extremely successful.

We followed this up with offering our services for future events, and also indicated that, should something occur at the last minute where they found they needed a speaker, to feel free to contact us. Finally, we included a copy of one of our books as our "Thanks for saying no" gift.

Incredibly, we discovered that quite often we were contacted immediately to confirm dates next year's conference! And we can pinpoint three specific instances where things went awry with the selected speaker, and we got the call to replace them! We learned how to find the YES in NO by looking at a more long-term response.

How often do you run into obstacles that seem to wave a big red "NO" in front of you? It seems so easy to just give in, and say, "Forget it!" But in Mark 10:27, Jesus makes an incredible statement: "With God, all things are possible."

What exactly does that mean? It tends to conjure up all kinds of debates, like "Yeah, possible, but how probable?" Or "Sounds good on paper, but it won't work in the real world!"

So let's look at the Unity perspective of what this verse means to us today, we get a whole different view. It tells us that as we make that connection with the Divine nature of who we are, our God center, we are receptive to the Divine Flow of every thing we ever need. But until we make that connection, our human self sees the appearance of obstacles, of "NOs."

Here are three keys to discovering the YES in every NO you seem to encounter:

* Spend dedicated time in the Silence, strengthening your connection with Spirit.

* Counter every appearance of NO with a big "Thank You for saying no!" Then identify ways to send positive energy to the situation or people.

* Recognize that there is no being out there in the sky saying NO. We have the power to Divinely order our experience, and create the life we choose. Do not let the appearance of NO have power in your life!

About the Author:
Drs. Bil & Cher Holton are Spiritual Leaders at Unity Spiritual Life Center in Durham, NC, where they practice positive, practical, progressive Christianity. Visit their website at Unity Spiritual Life Center and sign up to receive a complimentary 4-week e-course.

04 February, 2009

Finding the You that You Always Wanted to Be (part two)


Mission Statement

A personal mission statement based on your vision and values becomes a personal constitution, the basis for making both major, life-directing decisions and those daily decisions that need to be made amid the circumstances and emotions that affect our lives.

With a sense of your own mission, you have the essence of your own pro-activity. You have the vision and values to direct your life. You have the power of a written constitution based on correct principles, against which every decision concerning the most effective use of your time, your talents, and your energies can be effectively measured.

The Mission of Mission Statements

Now that you're thinking about what's important to you in your life, it's time to begin writing your mission statement.

A personal mission statement addresses three questions:

1. What is my life about?

2. What do I stand for?

3. What action am I taking to live the life I truly deserve?

A useful mission statement should explain what you wish to accomplish and contribute, and who you want to be - the character strengths and qualities you wish to develop.

Your mission statement should be:

  • Clear, concise and easy to remember
  • Broad enough to allow flexibility but not so broad as to permit a lack of focus Consistent with your values, beliefs, and philosophy
  • Reflective of attainable goals
  • and Inspiring, uplifting and motivating

Some people find capturing their mission on paper a challenge. For a personal statement, you can start by examining the key words you wrote down during the funeral exercise. This is essentially the way you would like to be - your highest values and the things you treasure most as a human being. These qualities and attributes will form the basis of your mission statement.

If your first attempt at your mission statement isn't perfect, be patient with yourself. The process is as important as the outcome. Put it to one side and after a few weeks, write another draft. Ask yourself if your statement was based on proven principles that you believe in, if you feel direction, motivation and inspiration when you read it.

Over time, reviewing and evaluating will keep you abreast of your own development. Sample Statements The following mission statements have been borrowed from a number of companies and individuals.

Your mission statement may be similar to one of these, or it may be completely different. The most important thing is that it means something to YOU, and is able to be remembered with ease.

I will live each day as though I had all the power and influence necessary to make it a perfect world. Our mission is to achieve superior performance, by being the highest quality, lowest cost competitor in our field.

I will live each day with courage and a belief in myself and others.

We are committed to improving our clients' results through the provision of consulting services.

We achieve this through working together in mutually beneficial partnerships.

To live and let live, to learn and teach, to give and receive, to love and be loved, to understand and be understood.

I will embrace and see each day as not just another day, but one filled with opportunity and excitement.

I alone will choose for myself those endeavours I wish to pursue.

My mission is to be a force for positive change and to inspire others to greatness, through being a catalyst for action and through developing a vision of that which is possible.

To live the days given to me, gratefully, with discipline, purpose and as an adventure.

To discover and accept what is really me, by using and stretching my strengths with confidence and joy.

Our mission is to create a city of international significance which symbolises Australia's heritage, values and aspirations and of which Australians are proud.

My mission is to act in a manner that brings out the best in those important to me - especially when it might be most justifiable to act otherwise.

I will strive to gain mastery over life's challenges, through increasing my circle of influence and de-emphasising those areas of concern over which I have no control.

Our mission is to enrich the lives of all Australians through sport.

To live true to the principles I hold dear: those of charity, fidelity, self-sufficiency, honesty, integrity, pro-activity, giving and trust.

A Strong Source of Guidance - Your mission statement is not a job description. Instead, as Stephen Covey suggests, it's a compass, a strong source of guidance amid the stormy seas and pressing, pulling currents of your life.

Carry your mission statement with you, post copies in visible places at home and work and regularly revise and re-evaluate. Creating, defining and refining your mission statement should be an ongoing process - because life is an ongoing process.

Finding the You that You Always Wanted to Be (part one of two)

Would you like to receive a complete unit, and more? Would you like to discover the full potential in you & get true and lasting Momentum? Empower You To Live The Life You Desire. Take action and access immediately these free illumination secrets at http://www.success-coaching.org/ (value over $75)

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com/a.php?a=50627

Finding the You that You Always Wanted to Be (part one of two)

Mission Statement

What is My Mission? We all have a mission in life: an inner urge to pursue an activity or perform a service. And it's up to all of us to discover what guides us, inspires us, and motivates us to get out of bed every morning.

Some of us are daunted by the word "mission" and immediately think of Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela - people who had grand visions for a better world. But does you mission have to change the world? Of course not. It only has to change YOUR world. Your mission statement is your written permission to do what is most important to you, most exciting to you, most YOU.

Unit Objectives - This unit will give you the insight and step-by-step process to create your own mission statement. By the conclusion of the unit, you will possess a personal mission statement that reflects your highest values. Finding the You that You Always Wanted to Be As the popular 1996 film Jerry Maguire opens, the protagonist, played by Tom Cruise, is grappling with a number of issues that make him question the person he has become. These issues offend his set of values. Sports agent Maguire goes so far as to say he hates himself - and then corrects himself to say he hates "his place in the world".

So, he writes his own mission statement. Among the values he refers to are "simple pleasures," "protecting clients in health and injury," "caring," and being "the me I always wanted to be." Above all, the mission statement inspires him to say: "I'd started my life".

Jerry Maguire says that the people in his business, including himself, had forgotten what was important. Writing a personal mission statement offers the opportunity to establish what's important in our lives - in not just our careers, but our personal lives too. Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, refers to crafting a mission statement as "connecting with your own unique purpose and the profound satisfaction that comes in fulfilling it." A mission statement can help you to become the "you you always wanted to be."

A personal mission statement based on your vision and values becomes a personal constitution, the basis for making both major, life-directing decisions and those daily decisions that need to be made amid the circumstances and emotions that affect our lives.

With a sense of your own mission, you have the essence of your own pro-activity. You have the vision and values to direct your life. You have the power of a written constitution based on correct principles, against which every decision concerning the most effective use of your time, your talents, and your energies can be effectively measured.

Dreaming and Scheming The following questions are designed to assist you during the 'dreaming and scheming' process of designing your mission statement. They should provoke thought and get you thinking about your "own unique purpose".

Describe yourself in one word.

Name three things you would do if you knew you couldn't fail?

What are your greatest strengths?

Complete your motto: "In _________________________________ I trust"

Write down three things you deeply enjoy doing.

What qualities do you most admire in others?

Who is the one person that has made the greatest positive impact on your life?

Why was this person able to have such a significant impact?

What have been your happiest moments in life? Why?

Complete your motto: "Life, liberty and the pursuit of _____________________".

Describe three qualities you think are essential in a life partner.

When you daydream, what do you see yourself doing?

Examine your work life. What activities do you consider of greatest worth?

Examine your work life. What activities do you consider of greatest worth?

What talents do you have that no one else really knows about?

If there were two rules everyone had to follow, what would they be?

Would you like to receive a complete unit, and more? Would you like to discover the full potential in you & get true and lasting Momentum? Empower You To Live The Life You Desire. Take action and access immediately these free illumination secrets at http://www.success-coaching.org/ (value over $75)

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com/a.php?a=50626

Know The Secrets Of Fat Loss

By Dan Ezeife

People often talk about fat and eager to reduce it without having much or no understanding of this content. Fat is one of the content in our body which is been stored for emergencies when our body really needs energy. For example when we don't intake food the body fat gets burned generating energy. This is the reason that fat doesn't dissolve in water contents but only in organic contents. Edible oils, pork meat, butter and ghee are some products which contain high degree fat. Our body likes to accumulate fat. It couldn't care less about looking good as long as it has lots of energy reserves in the form of fat.

They are only three possible methods of reducing your body fat which are successful. Start a program to reduce your fat giving 70% to exercises or workouts, 30% for diet plans and supplements and if required think of medication. As these three are the only possible methods of reducing or loosing your body weight. Abdomen exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and abdomen machines very effective methods of getting flat body. Exercises help you to burn more calories than you consume and you'll lose fat, be more active. Carry on with a well built exercise program, or a list of exercises to be carried on in a week. Work on this program for at lest five days in a week. Your fat can only be reduced when it's burnt and heavy workouts do that. Just don't ceil your program on meditation or cardio exercises. They are beneficial but not as heavy workouts.

Maintain a diet program. Successful dieters irrespective of their goal whether to gain weight or reduce fat eat few meals several times a day. Eat healthy foods like boiled egg, chicken breast, mixed vegetables especially spinach or beans, fruits. Fruits are very essential for a healthy body; try to eat apples, oranges, pineapple or grapes. Avoid foods which contain a high degree of fats.

Medication is the third and last way helpful to reduce body fat. It is also considered to be the easiest one, where one has to digest a few pills or supplements at given intervals. Beware of so-called "health foods" which are actually disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

Dean Karnazes a perfect human who is an ultra marathoner famed for completing 50 marathons on 50 consecutive days in 50 different states. He is not a typical anemic marathoner build with a well-muscled mesomorph body. Hence, a well built body is not always a sign of good health.

About the Author:
Do you want to reduce toxins and eliminate plaque from your body? Logon to Dan Ezeife's website http://Insuccess1.AllInOneHealth.com which gives you tips regarding how to lose weight and maintain good health for a lifetime.

01 February, 2009

What Part Does Planning And Goal Setting Play In Study Success?

By Scott Edwards

Planning for a successful outcome is the basic requirement of any endeavour. Today's football superstars didn't get to become multi-millionaires without years of dedication to practice, planning and targets. For any life-changing event to happen, planning and goal-setting are paramount.

Prior to commencing your training course, take the time to think about your personal goals, and work out a study programme with targets or indicators of success along the way. To help you get started, use the acronym Smart to qualify the goals you plan to achieve. Smart stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and targeted.

Use the following five D's to help you get emotionally involved with the result of your efforts. Write your five D's down in a contract to yourself.

DEFINE (what you want out of it) e.g. the exact car, house, number and type of holidays, income level for partner to give up work etc. Be specific or you won't know when you've achieved it. Re-enforce it with photographs and put them up around where you plan to work.

DESIRE (why you're doing it) e.g. personal challenge, get out from where you are, you owe it to yourself to have a better job, to prove to someone you've got what it takes, to take control of your destiny. This needs to be something that stirs an emotion within you.

Commitment or DEDICATION. Announce to yourself and those close to you that you're dedicated to your studies by writing up a timetable and sticking with it. However much time you choose to study each week, have it written on a calendar planner that you can cross off once you've completed it. Put it in a prominent place so it's at the forefront of your mind (at least until it becomes a habit). All things that are important get prioritised, so let your friends and family know that this is a priority to you for perhaps ten hours a week for a set number of months. Once your timetable has become established, you'll take pride in your dedication, and study all the better for it.

DETERMINATION - The will to stick to the plan until completion and see it through. This is your contract to ensure that you won't let yourself down.

DISCIPLINE (to overcome the hard times) - The resolve to work around challenges and not allow them to stop you achieving your goals.

Your contract is the beginning of your new life. Those who write down their goals in a specific and realistic manner, then work diligently and consistently to achieve them, have proven to be amongst the world's most successful people. Read your contract every day, and add positive new jottings and pictures to it that will help you when the going gets tough. Plan your work, and then work your plan with commitment. In two years time your life could be unrecognisable to those who know you now.

About the Author:
Scott Edwards advises and writes on the very latest forms of interactive PC training in the UK. To find out more on Computer Training , visit LearningLolly Computer Training Courses .

The Importance Of Blogs, RSS Feeds and Videos

By C. R. Bolden

The world of marketing with Blogs, RSS Feeds and Videos online are a few of the keys to have immediate success on the internet. Most marketers use blogs to update and connect with potential clients. Blogs and RSS feeds are perhaps the more important marketing tools, which actually gives videos their unlimited potential. Blogs and RSS will play an immediate role in the Internet marketing field. We all know Video has truly arrived in the online marketing world.

What we will see is every website on the net becoming its own broadcasting system, its own television channel catering to a specific niche or a broad topic depending on the subject matter covered by the site. A billion channel Internet powered by RSS and video.

However, what is truly revolutionary, you do not have to be major players to get in the marketing game, even the smallest marketer can use and benefit from implementing their own videos. A simple video or digital camera can produce an informational video within minutes. You can then upload these videos to your blog or site and distribute them around the web within seconds. Those concerned with bandwidth costs can always upload their videos to YouTube. This simple video marketing system is available to everyone.

Basically you can use your videos for introducing yourself or your product. You can also create content to enrich your site. You can build a more personal relationship with subscribers and keep in contact with your clients.

Nothing beats the personal and direct connection video makes with your potential customers and follow-up leads. Marketers are now using video software that automatically inserts their subscriber's name in their videos for a more personal touch.

Most intenet marketers will take advantage of this fact by personalizing their messages and building a genuine relationship with their clients. Personalized videos will help cement this relationship and make it stronger - all contributing to more sales for the marketer, of course! From a marketing viewpoint videos is just a way to get your message in front of your customers to promote your products or services.

About the Author:
Colon Bolden is a gifted internet marketer in the home business industry. He has the knowledge workingwith other marketers around the world. Colon Bolden truly devotes his time, energy, and effort into making sure his team of professional marketers experience the online success that they truly deserves. Check out Colon's lifetime home business website.

29 January, 2009

Drink Acai Berry Juice To Prevent Cancer

By Ron Duckett

Old civilizations did not use herbs for nothing as the Amazonians did use Acai berry for nothing. Little did the people of the United States know until recently that the Acai berry used for centuries by Brazilians could prevent the growth of cancer cells in leukemia patients even though it was not possible to cure the fatal disease. Acai berry research until recently found out the great properties of the Brazilian Acai berry and the benefits of drinking the Acai berry juice. Studies have revealed that Acai berry extracts fro which the juice is processed can do wonders for the body and for cancer patients it is like a gift from the Amazon rain forest.

Rich in anti-oxidants, they are released in great doses into the human body when they drink the Acai berry juice. Acai berry juice drinkers in the US have endorsed the great benefits it has given to them over tome as they were hooked to it regularly. Why wouldn't they be? Acai berry juice offers the best health benefits that are far greater than Acai berry pills or powder. People take in a lot of vegetables, fruits and fibers with the idea that they contain the necessary ingredients in them for a better health of the mind and the body.

Similarly, when buying Acai berry juice, the properties that made them popular to Amazonians for several centuries would now go into keeping people from the developed world now. Technological advances and Acai berry research has unearthed Acai juice benefits that can rejuvenate people and make them healthy, fine and fit once again. People began to take the Acai berry benefits seriously when the result on cancer cells showed up. If leukemia cells could go on a self-destruction mode when treated with Acai berry extracts, then surely drinking Acai berry juice could be the answer to more health benefits than was known earlier. Those who went on to buy Acai berries were all for the Acai berry benefits and strengthened the findings of Acai berry research.

Anti-oxidants are the main villains that kick start the ageing process leading to premature ageing and can be the cause of cancer also. What the drinking of Acai berry juice does is prevents the entry of radicals to create havoc in the body. Acai berry juice drinking benefits are enormous and the revelation of the University of Florida has literally made it a number one food supplement in the US. It is no wonder why the ancient people of the Amazon region in Brazil were hooked to the raw Acai berry for centuries and they must have known the Acai berry benefits.

Not only notice, more people are now ending up buying Acai berry juice after knowing about Acai berry benefits that are enormous and extensive. People also wondered how the magic fruit with so many healthy properties could just lurk unnoticed in the Amazon jungles of Brazil within kissing distance of the United States. More and more people are realizing if this is the beginning of the findings from Acai berry research, then there would be more in the years ahead.

About the Author:
Ron Duckett is an online marketing entrepreneur who has lot of experience in the internet marketing field. He is also an author of 5 self-published cookbooks. Ron has started a new website http://TruthAboutAcai.com , here you can learn about acai berry benefits . Visit http://TruthAboutAcai.com today and discover he amazing health benefits of Acaiberry.

25 January, 2009

How Self Awareness Leads To Better Brainpower

By Steve Gillman

At the highest levels, better brainpower cannot be separated from higher self awareness. Your own reactive mind often gets in the way of the clearest and deepest thinking, and you have to see this happening to correct it. Part of the problem is what's sometimes referred to as the "monkey mind," which describes the tendency of the mind to jump from thought to thought like a restless monkey jumping from tree to tree. This is something you might "tame" with meditation.
But we also have to consider the content and patterns of those thoughts. Calm the busy mind and you may observe things more clearly, concentrate better, and think more efficiently - but not necessarily more effectively. A perfectly tuned and efficient car can still take you to the wrong destination, after all. Self awareness starts with this meditative observation of the "chatter" in your mind, but for more powerful thinking you have to look deeper, to see what influences are working there unnoticed.

Common Biases That Prevent Effective Thinking

Suppose a scientist is studying the effects of various deficiencies in humans. One day he reads a research paper which hypothesizes that decreased copper levels in men contribute to criminal behavior. It's a new and interesting idea in his field, but he dismisses the idea quickly, noting that the study primarily shows just a correlation, which doesn't prove causation (there is a higher rate of copper deficiency among violent offenders in prison).

Now, let's suppose that he would ordinarily look into such an intriguing idea more closely. Correlation does give reason to look for causation, after all, especially on something as important as the possible link of a nutritional deficiency to criminal behavior. Why might he have reacted differently in this case, and without even knowing that he had done so? There are several common biases that may have been operating on an unconscious level in him.

First, he might have had a bad experience with the author of the study. Without a doubt we tend to have more difficulty giving credence to ideas that come from people (or newspapers or television news) we dislike. This is what can be referred to as a "source bias." If you want to test this phenomenon, find a great quote by a popular person and see how many people agree with it. Then tell another group that it's a quote from Adolph Hitler and see how many from that group think it's a great idea.

Second, he may be biased by his philosophy. In this case, he might strongly believe that people are entirely responsible for their actions. Our minds are powerful at a deep level, and quickly see if a given idea doesn't fit our existing beliefs, even if we do not note that consciously. As a result, this scientist might immediately discount any possibilities which contradict his "mental framework" or personal philosophy. We might call this a "philosophical bias." We can ignore even the best evidence if something challenges our basic belief system, and a lack of self awareness makes this an "invisible" habit.

Third, there is the basic "ego bias," which makes it harder for people to accept an idea they didn't come up with or have any involvement with (or more generally to have a hard time thinking in ways that challenge one's ideas about himself). Had he considered the idea of a deficiency increasing the chances of criminal behavior before, he might have loved that research paper (but that, in turn, could be an example of "confirmation bias," which leads us to believe those things which confirm our previous beliefs). If he had argued for something that contradicted the copper deficiency previously, it is easy to see that he might discount it's value. He would have to drop or alter his own idea in that case, and ego often prevent this, even among good scientists.

These are just three of the many common biases which can affect our thinking. The solution? Self awareness through self observation. It is difficult to correct a problem which we do not see and acknowledge, right? So for the highest level of brainpower, we have to watch our own thoughts and notice the patterns and reactions.

For example, if the scientist in our story above was in the habit of self observation, he might have noticed that his dismissal of the new idea was more of a reaction than a reasoned response. This could have lead him to investigate whether he was reacting to his dislike of the author (source bias), or if the idea was unconsciously felt as an attack on his basic philosophy (philosophical bias), and therefore rejected. He might have even discovered a pattern in himself of ignoring ideas and evidence that he didn't originate or have previous involvement with (ego bias).

How to get in the habit of self observation, and therefore increase one's self awareness, which then leads to the possibility of more effective thinking, is a topic for another article. But seeing the need to do so is a good start.

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more on Self Awareness, and to get the Brainpower Newsletter and other free gifts, visit: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com

Improve Your Psychological Health Using Subliminal Techniques

By Evgheny Stivenson

Subliminal messages were prohibited on radio and TV as early as 1974 by the Government of the USA. These were previously used to increase the sales of popcorn by almost 62 percent. This is a topic in a number of Derren Brown "mind" shows that are broadcast around the world.
But in spite of all these media build-up, subliminal messages continue to be widely used by advertisers, not merely to entice us with the purchase of yet another can of coke, but to actually change the way we live.
First of all, you can use subliminals for self-help: you can improve your self-confidence, treat acne, improve your relationships with the opposite sex and much more with the help of special subliminal messaging computer programs. One of such programs is Subliminal Flash (by Ded Pyhto, Inc); you can search it on Google and download for free.

In fact I intend to show you that you can use subliminal message to work for you right from tonight! This technique doesn't require using of subliminal messaging software. It is not as effective as using, saying , Subliminal Flash software mentioned above, but it can demonstrate you the power of subliminals.

But then what exactly are subliminal messages?

Subliminal means below the threshold of consciousness. Subliminal messaging is an act of conveying messages straight to the potent subconscious mind. This section of your brain is in charge of the whole lot from memory to giving your conscious mind its basic traits to that of body temperature.

Dr James Vicary conducted the most significant subliminal messaging in history when he flashed "I want popcorn" and "Drink more coke" for 100-milliseconds to a movie audience. Being below the threshold of consciousness, no one 'saw' these messages; but then sales of popcorn and coke shot up 58.4 % and 19.2% respectively.

But this form of potent suggestive advertisement was banned by The Government of the USA. However on the other hand, the potent nature of this tool was also recognized. This can be a powerful tool to send messages of self-improvement directly to the subconscious minds of the masses.

How are these to be done? There are two ways to send the subliminal messages. The first is visual with the use, for instance, of the Subliminal Flash software tool. The second is audio with the use of subliminal CDs that can be bought off from nearly all bookstores.
There is also this low cost way for you to put to use subliminal messaging.

Identify a pair of important goals that you will like to imbibe in your life. Perhaps you may want to stop smoking or may be learn faster. Put these core goals into very short and simple positive messages like "I am ready to quit smoking" or "I am a quick learner".

Write these messages on to a white cardboard sheet using thick black marker pen. Craft about three such cards with such affirmative messages on the themes. Keep these next to your bed along with a flashlight.

Then comes the unfriendly part. You will be woken up at mid-night when your subconscious is vulnerable.

You set your alarm clock for 4 a.m. before going to sleep. When you hear the alarm clock ring, turn it off. Pick up the affirmation cards and the flashlight. Flash the flashlight in the pitch dark for a dozen times quickly over each of the affirmation card. Simply stare at the cards without any efforts at reading them. These messages are for the subconscious.

Once you have completed this, you may off the light, put off the cards and get back to sleep. All these should not take you more than two minutes. You will surely get back to a deep and restful sleep.

What you have just accomplished is to send a set of subliminal messages to your subconscious. What you are about to experience is something very exciting!

Problem-solving dreams are reported invariably by most when the techniques are used for a few nights. Their decisions are found to be influenced from within. After a week or so, they recognize that their smoking has reduced to half and their speed of learning has had noticeable improvement. You have moved ahead in achieving your core goals.

Subliminal messaging is quite simple to use but have not yet been widely put to use.

Though simple and straightforward, most people do not believe it. You may not think it actually works. Even you may not try this out.

But the fact is that the powerful potent use that this can be put to use is recognized by the Government of the USA.

So may be you will try this out now.

Evgheny Stivenson, author of articles related to subliminal messages: http://www.wordofmouthexperiment.com/dedpyhto/

Article Source: Improve Your Psychological Health Using Subliminal Techniques

15 January, 2009

What Is Life ?????

Usually we come across some stupid questions in our life like
What is life?
Life means Is it accepting the things how it come in our life ? or
It is the flow of our emotions, thoughts what we feel and express. or
It is achieving some thing, where no one reached that position i,e professional career life.

If we take positive word in our life, means in every point of moment, enjoying the wellness then life is just like flowing of pure water without impurities. Here impurities means man's wrong attitude towards problems, issues etc.
Understanding the people's mind when they are doing wrong things, and at the same time guiding them to not to go in negative direction. Most of the time people won't bother about what is happening in our surrounding world. Thank god after 26/11 Mumbai Terror attack some people asking where are you come from ??
This little bit awareness has come after such a tragic attack.
Why people only take the precautions after seeing the negative factor ??

View of life changes with the time and circumstances. Like my friend expresses life is all about facing the challenges for our day today needs. Yes after economic slowdown, securing our job is major challenge till it comes to normal.

But I don't think securing our job in economic slow down is only criteria. But securing the job is a life time challenge. Because wherever I worked not able to adjust with colleagues. I usually isolated from the colleagues community, friends etc.

And almost hated when they order or give some work and expect just work and work till office hours get over ed.
What I expect from them little bit friendly coordination, smiling in their face and most thing cordially behave and expect good productive hours.
Basically I m workaholic and thought that is my world and life.

Sorry ! I am leaving my original topic, because these small things really make big impact in our life.

If I think another point of view life's issues and problems are all about inspiration which exactly make you to take forward your time with your loved one !!.
Family and atmosphere where we brought up make a major impact handling and enjoying the life.
Nova days money matters a lot. For the money we losing peace and harmony with relatives and neighbors.

I welcome all bloggers who can share their view on life in their blog. And most thing explore the life, because its the right time to share our feelings in blogosphere.

13 January, 2009

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